Paddington in "Paddington Gets in a Jam"
Maya in "Treeples"
SpongeBob in "Pineapple Playhouse"
Jax in "MLB's Traveling Spaceship Show"
Squawky Bird in "Mr. Crocket"
Puppeteer with The Avett Brothers tour
Ensemble Puppeteer on "Helpsters"
Mr. Dance Teacher in "Feel Your Best Self"
Puppeteer on Bob-O-Pedic Campaign
Sokka & others in "Avatar: Puppet Players"
Puppeteer on "Auntie Panda's House"
Jack in "The Howdy Do Show: Part Duh!" photo by Richard Termine
Dr. Allundrious Pepper in "100 Birds"
Basketball in Learning Seed's "Something's Different: A C19 Playground Closure Social Story"
Various Characters in "Cold Sober"
Birn in "Ancestral"
Louie in "60 Second Schoolhouse"
Puppeteer/Deviser in "Reverse Cascade"
Assisting Puppeteer in "The Idiot Club" Pitch
Cowboy in "The Howdy-Do Show"
Paulie in "Bright Signs Learning"
Duck/Hunter in "Peter and the Wolf"
Assisting Puppeteer in "zivaKIDS"
Vince Broelmann and I at a 2016 Sesame Street Puppeteer Workshop. Photo by Zach Hyman.
Assisting Puppeteer for No Strings Productions' "Germs"